Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1995 911 CARD: Population Reduction

"Population Control" -- Even though the heading on this card says, "Population Reductionl", the scene depicted shows clearly the Twin Towers under attack.

With the Twin Towers under attack, and the tops of them hidden by the black smoke, the New York Empire State Building is again the tallest building in the City!

Further, notice that the smoke is shaped in the form of a demon's face.

This is highly significant for several reasons:

* During the filming of the actual fire pouring forth from the Twin Towers, several cameras caught what seemed to be a demon face in the smoke.

While most people were discounting this face as purely coincidental, two former Satanists called me within a couple of hours after those pictures were released, to tell me that those faces looked exactly like demons they had seen during a ritual when demons physically manifest themselves in this dimension.

Cisco Wheeler further said that some of the most powerful demons in Satan's kingdom were known as Fire Demons; it was to these demons that the ancient peoples -- including Jews -- sacrificed their children to Molech.

The appearance of these demon faces might be proof of what I have been saying -- that the attack was a Fire Ritual Sacrifice carried out by the Illuminati.

This attack on the Twin Towers also was a perfect Satanic Fire Sacrifice. Many pictures abounded on 9/11 that showed a demon's face in the fire high up on the Twin Towers. This was not a coincidental phenomenon.

* The fact that this card shows a demon face in the smoke of the Twin Towers in 1995 demonstrates that the Illuminati planned to make the Twin Towers a Fire Sacrifice that would call up Fire Demons. This card predicted it, and the demons manifested themselves through the fire. Just as Waco and Oklahoma City were fire sacrifices, so was the attack on the Twin Towers.

* This card depicts a symbolic connection between the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City with the global plan of the Illuminati to effect a dramatic change in population! What possible connection could there be? This card may be telling us that the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center Twin Towers is the opening blow in the campaign to dramatically reduce global population. We know already that the 9/11 attack was the opening blow to begin the final "birth pangs" stage to allow Antichrist to appear on the world scene, as he strides out of the smoke, dust, and debris of World War III. Now, this card seems to be telling us that the attack on the Twin Towers is the opening salvo in the final stage of population reduction. Since the goal is to dramatically reduce population by four billion people, exactly the level predicted in the Book of Revelation, we should not be too surprised to learn that the judgments foretold of the Fourth Seal are now on the horizon, and in your Daily News. What are these judgments?

1995 911 CARD: Pentagon


"Pentagon" -- When I saw this card, immediately after seeing the Twin Tower picture, my blood froze!

Unless one had advanced knowledge of the Illuminati Plan, there is no way on earth that they would have been able to create pictures in 1995 that accurately depict the unfolding events of 9/11!

The Pentagon is shown on fire; we know that a plane allegedly flew into a section of the Pentagon and nearly burned that section completely.

However, the rest of the Pentagon was undamaged to the point where its functions continued unimpeded.

Isn't this the situation depicted here?

This card shows a fire burning mightily in the center courtyard of the Pentagon, but the rest of the building looks undamaged enough so that normal activities could continue unimpeded!

This kind of accuracy six years before the attacks is possible only if one knows the Illuminati Plan very thoroughly.

1995 911 CARD: Terrorist Nuke

"Terrorist Nuke" -- This card is one of the most shocking of all, especially in light of the fact that this game first hit the specialty stores in 1995!

How in the world did Steve Jackson know that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were going to be attacked? In fact, this card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail.

This card accurately depicts several facts of 9/11 -- on cards created all the way back in 1995! The picture accurately depicts:
* That one tower was going to be struck first; this picture accurately depicts the moments between the first tower strike and the second.
* The card accurately depicts that the place of impact is some distance from the top of the twin towers. The plane hit in this approximate area of the first tower. How in the world could Steve Jackson know this fact?

* The card accurately depicts the Illuminati leadership by showing on the building to the extreme left of the card the Illuminist pyramid with an all-seeing eye in the middle.

* The caption at the top properly identifies the perpetrators of the attack as "terrorists".

However, what does the caption to this card mean? It says, "Terrorist Nuke". Now, what could this possibly mean? The Twin Towers were not destroyed by a terrorist nuclear device, or were they?

In our article on the Bali Blast, we noted the scientific data that suggested the hotel was taken down by a micro-nuclear device of about 0.10 kilotons.

One can only ask: was a micro-nuclear device used at the base of the Twin Towers as well? That kind of small, but nuclear, explosion would account for the sudden manner the reinforced concrete and steel shell simply crumbled into dust as it fell.

That kind of nuclear explosion would also explain the tremendous heat that stayed at "Ground Zero" for several months after 9/11. As we head into the planned "terrorist attacks" and attendant panics, we have to remain cognizant that a micro nuke device might be the real culprit in some of these attacks.

1995 911 CARD: Rewriting History

The Illuminati realized they had to deceive an entire population of people if they had any hope whatsoever of achieving their coveted New World Order.

They realized that the public schools were graduating students who read too well, too widely, and communicated too well. These students generally distrusted Big Government and governmental authority.

Clearly, the Illuminati had to gain control of the Public School system from the foundation upward if they had any hope of instituting a One World Government that would serve the New Age Masonic Christ.

As early as 1911, the Illuminati began buying textbook writing companies, until they owned them all after World War I. Once they got control of textbooks, they gradually began to "dumb down" the curricula and rewrite history.

Students of public schools since World War II have received increasingly inferior educations, until now the population is largely academically inferior, is political herds of "sheeple", and religiously ignorant of the Truth of Jesus Christ.

David Icke is correct in selecting this card and showing it first. Rewriting history was the first step in achieving the New World Order.

Cash Possession May Become Jailable Offense

An FBI advisory aimed at Internet Cafe owners instructs businesses to report people who regularly use cash to pay for their coffee as potential terrorists.

The flyer, issued under the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism (CAT) program, lists examples of “suspicious activity” and then encourages businesses to gather information about individuals and report them to the authorities.

“Each flyer is designed for a particular kind of business,” writes Linda Lewis, a former policy analyst and planner for the U.S. government.

“For example, this list was prepared for owners of internet cafes. Unquestionably, someone planning a terrorist attack has engaged in one or more of the “suspicious” activities on that list. But so, too, have most of the estimated 289 million computer users in this country.”

Indeed, the flyer aimed at Internet Cafe owners characterizes customers who “always pay cash” as potential terrorists.

Of course, the vast majority of people who visit Internet Cafes use cash to pay their bill. Who uses a credit card to buy a $2 cup of coffee? A lot of smaller establishments don’t even accept credit cards for amounts less than $10.

Other examples of suspicious behavior include using a “residential based Internet provider” such as AOL or Comcast, the use of “anonymizers, portals, or other means to shield IP address” (these are routinely used by mobile web users to bypass public Internet filters), “Suspicious communications using VOIP,” and “Preoccupation with press coverage of terrorist attack” (this would apply to the vast majority of people who work in the news or political blogging industry).

Searching for information about “police” or “government” is also listed as a potential indication of terrorism, as is using a computer to “obtain photos, maps or diagrams of transportation, sporting venues, or populated locations,” which would apply to virtually anyone who uses Google Maps or Google Earth.

People who may wish to keep private the contents of a personal email or an online credit card purchase by attempting to”shield the screen from view of others” are also characterized as potential terrorists.

Business owners who spot patrons engaging in these types of activities are encouraged to call the FBI’s Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC), after first gathering information on license plates, names, ethnicity, and languages spoken.

In total, there are 25 different CAT flyers aimed at businesses from across the spectrum – everything from hobby shops to tattoo parlors.

As we have documented on numerous occasions, the federal government routinely characterizes mundane behavior as extremist activity or a potential indicator of terrorist intent.

As part of its ‘See Something, Say Something’ campaign, the Department of Homeland Security educates the public that generic activities performed by millions of people every day, including using a video camera, talking to police officers, wearing hoodies, driving vans, writing on a piece of paper, and using a cell phone recording application,” are potential signs of terrorist activity.

The CAT program again underscores how federal authorities are empowering poorly trained citizens to become terrorist hunters, stoking fears that America is sinking deeper into a Stasi-style informant society.

FBI Targets Honest Freedom Loving Americans

Anti-government extremists opposed to (illegal) taxes and (equally illegal) regulations pose a growing threat to local law enforcement officers in the United States, the FBI warned.

These extremists, sometimes known as “sovereign citizens,” believe they can live outside any type of government authority, FBI agents said at a news conference.

The extremists may refuse to pay taxes, defy government environmental regulations and believe the United States went bankrupt by going off the gold standard.

Routine encounters with police can turn violent “at the drop of a hat,” said Stuart McArthur, deputy assistant director in the FBI’s counterterrorism division.

“We thought it was important to increase the visibility of the threat with state and local law enforcement,” he said

Criminals In Action (CIA) Fan Syria Civil Unrest Flames

Excerpts from the Arab League observers’ report on Syria make it clear that the establishment media is only telling part of the story and exaggerating violence by the al-Assad government and its police and military.

The report mentions an “armed entity’ that is killing civilians and police and conducting terrorist attacks targeting innocent civilians.

Casualties from these attacks are attributed to the al-Assad government and used to build a case against Syria in the United Nations.

Evidence reveals they are supported by the CIA and MI6.

According to the Arab League report, the “Free Syria Army” and “armed opposition groups” are responsible for many of the killings.

It was reported that MI6, the CIA, and British SAS are in Syria working with the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Council to overthrow the al-Assad regime.

The Free Syrian Army is widely recognized as a creation of NATO. It is comprised largely of militants from the Muslim Brotherhood – itself an asset of British intelligence – and is funded, supported, and armed by the United States and Turkey.

The report lends credence to reports filed by journalist Webster Tarpley, who visited the Middle Eastern nation.

“What average Syrians of all ethnic groups say about this is that they are being shot at by snipers. People complained that there are terrorist snipers who are shooting at civilians, blind terrorism simply for the purpose of destabilizing the country.

I would not call this civil war – it is a very misleading term. What you are dealing with here are death squads, you are dealing with terror commandos; this is a typical CIA method. In this case it’s a joint production of CIA, MI6, it’s got money coming from Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates and Qatar,” Tarpley told RT.

Tarpley said the United States is pushing a “bankrupt model of the color revolution, backed up by terrorist troops – people from Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood” and the objective is “to smash the Middle East according to ethnic lines.”

Excerpts from the Arab League observers’ report make it clear “that there is widespread violence on both sides, but that the opposition and the Western media have exaggerated the violence and casualties inflicted by government forces,” writes Nicolas Davies for War Is A Crime blog, formerly After Downing Street.

“The UN has stopped accepting casualty figures claimed by the opposition, and has frozen its “official” estimate of civilian deaths at 5,400, without acknowledging that this may already be highly exaggerated,” Davies explains.

“This is not yet a bloodbath on the scale of Libya, where even the new government admits that at least 25,000 people died in the NATO-led war.

Syria could follow the Libya model though, if NATO and the GCC keep providing weapons and military training to the Free Syrian Army and are prepared to beef it up with special forces on the ground, and as long as the UN approves a no-fly zone to provide cover for another 9,700 air strikes.”

The establishment media put the number of dead between 1,000 and 5,000. The International Criminal Court, Hisham Abu Hajer (of the Libyan “rebels,” in other words al-Qaeda), Pravda and other sources put the number at between 50,000 and 100,000.

Tarpley estimated the number at 150,000, a staggering number for a population of just under six and half million people.

Relevant excepts from Report of the Head of the League of Arab States Observer Mission to Syria follow:

“The Mission determined that there is an armed entity that is not mentioned in the protocol. This development on the ground can undoubtedly be attributed to the excessive use of force by Syrian Government forces in response to protests that occurred before the deployment of the Mission demanding the fall of the regime.

In some zones, this armed entity reacted by attacking Syrian security forces and citizens, causing the Government to respond with further violence. In the end, innocent citizens pay the price for those actions with life and limb.

In Homs, Idlib and Hama, the Observer Mission witnessed acts of violence being committed against Government forces and civilians that resulted in several deaths and injuries.

Examples of those acts include the bombing of a civilian bus, killing eight persons and injuring others, including women and children, and the bombing of a train carrying diesel oil. In another incident in Homs, a police bus was blown up, killing two police officers.

A fuel pipeline and some small bridges were also bombed.

The Mission noted that many parties falsely reported that explosions or violence had occurred in several locations. When the observers went to those locations, they found that those reports were unfounded.

The Mission also noted that, according to its teams in the field, the media exaggerated the nature of the incidents and the number of persons killed in incidents and protests in certain towns.

Group team leaders witnessed peaceful demonstrations by both Government supporters and the opposition in several places. None of those demonstrations were disrupted, except for some minor clashes with the Mission and between loyalists and opposition.

These have not resulted in fatalities since the last presentation before the Arab Ministerial Committee on the Situation in Syria at its meeting.

Some observers reneged on their duties and broke the oath they had taken.

They made contact with officials from their countries and gave them exaggerated accounts of events.

Those officials consequently developed a bleak and unfounded picture of the situation.

Arab and foreign audiences of certain media organizations have questioned the Mission’s credibility because those organizations use the media to distort the facts.

It will be difficult to overcome this problem unless there is political and media support for the Mission and its mandate.

It is only natural that some negative incidents should occur as it conducts its activities because such incidents occur as a matter of course in similar missions.

Recently, there have been incidents that could widen the gap and increase bitterness between the parties. These incidents can have grave consequences and lead to the loss of life and property.

Such incidents include the bombing of buildings, trains carrying fuel, vehicles carrying diesel oil and explosions targeting the police, members of the media and fuel pipelines.

Some of those attacks have been carried out by the Free Syrian Army and some by other armed opposition groups.

Since its establishment, attitudes towards the Mission have been characterized by insincerity or, more broadly speaking, a lack of seriousness.

Before it began carrying out its mandate and even before its members had arrived, the Mission was the target of a vicious campaign directed against the League of Arab States and the Head of the Mission, a campaign that increased in intensity after the observers’ deployment.

The Mission still lack the political and media support it needs in order to fulfil its mandate. Should its mandate be extended, the goals set out in the Protocol will not be achieved unless such support is provided and the Mission receives the backing it needs to ensure the success of the Arab solution.”

Very Small Win Against TSA Thuggery

The Senate has passed legislation that includes a provision allowing airports to replace TSA screeners with private security, opening the door for the widely loathed federal agency to be marginalized from aviation security altogether.

The bill was primarily concerned with how the Federal Aviation Authority would be funded for the next four years, but also included measures that would force the TSA to reconsider applications from airports to replace TSA workers with their own privately hired screeners.

“Security companies would have an easier time winning contracts to operate airport checkpoints,” reports Businessweek.

Following a massive nationwide backlash against the TSA’s invasive groping policies and its use of radiation-firing naked body scanners, linked by many prestigious health bodies to cancer, an increasing number of airports attempted to take responsibility for their own screening procedures by replacing TSA workers with privately hired personnel.

When the number of airports attempting to opt-out of the TSA had risen to 16, TSA head John Pistole put a freeze on the process, refusing to consider new applications from airports.

The newly approved legislation “would require the TSA to reconsider applications for private screeners that it had rejected.”

Should airports choose to replace TSA screeners with their own private security, it would not only mean the screeners were better trained and more responsible for their actions, alleviating the problems of thefts and abuse by TSA workers, but it would also create tens of thousands of much needed jobs for the private sector.

“Some airport executives have argued that contract security personnel are more courteous than government workers,” reports CNN. “It was felt that a private contractor would provide friendlier customer service to the traveling public,” the head of a Roswell, New Mexico, airport wrote to Congress.”

A poll found that the TSA’s “enhanced pat downs,” some of which include touching genitalia, angered 57% of regular adult fliers.

West Yellowstone Airport in Montana has already replaced its TSA screeners with private security. Bert Mooney Airport, also in Montana, and Orlando Sanford International Airport in Florida will also be able to have their rejected applications to evict the TSA reconsidered under the new law.

Resentment towards the TSA has raged over the last two years amongst Americans, primarily as a result of the rampant criminality in which TSA workers habitually engage.

The latest example concerns TSA agent Alexandra Schmid, who stole $5,000 in cash from a passenger’s jacket as he was going through security at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

The TSA’s habit of never admitting wrongdoing even when caught has also riled the traveling public.

Even when the agency was forced to apologize for strip-searching two women in their 80′s just before Christmas, the TSA claimed its agents had merely violated protocol, when in fact they had sexually molested the women by forcing them to undress.