Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Decorated Marine Assassinated In Front Of Children By Corrupt Policeman


A veteran Orange County sheriff’s deputy (claims/lies) he feared for the safety of two young girls sitting in a parked car when he shot and killed a Marine sergeant in a dark parking lot near San Clemente High School authorities said.

Sgt. Manuel Loggins Jr. was shot early as he started to get into the SUV where his two daughters — 9 and 14 — were sitting, authorities said.

Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the department, said the deputy was fearful that Loggins — who he said (supposidly) appeared to be acting irrationally — was about to drive off with the girls (his daughters).

“The real threat that was perceived was the safety of the children,” Amormino said.

“The deputy formed an opinion that he had a deep concern for the children, that he would not allow Mr. Loggins to drive away with the kids,” Amormino said.

Internet Postings Will Be Used Against You Forevermore

What if there was a little box that could be placed in your home that could…..
…. track every Google search that you ran?

…. see who you email?
…. see from whom you receive emails?
…. watch your keystrokes to learn all your passwords?
…. turn on a camera and watch you at any given time?
…. gather information about your likes, dislikes, political affiliations and religious beliefs?

…. dispense all of the above personal data to fusion centers, whose only purpose is to put together profiles of you and your family?

As it turns out, there is such a box, and if you are reading this, you’re on it right now.  You not only voluntarily brought this device into your home, you paid good money for it.  Your computer is spying on you.

The home computer is bar none the greatest information sharing device ever created.  We can study anything our little hearts desire.  We can meet other people anywhere on the globe who have similar interests to us.  We can be kept constantly up to date with news, communication with friends and family and updates to our inboxes about myriad topics.

Unfortunately there is a dark side to having a home computer.  A home computer means that someone else could have constant access to US.
Here are just a few little tricks that your computer may be up to, unbeknownst to you.


Google has the best reputation in the world as a search engine extraordinaire.  But the times are changing and Google is becoming less and less trustworthy.
First there is the Gmail scandal.  If you are a user of the free email service, you may have noticed that the ads running down the side of the homepage seem uniquely targeted to your current interests. 

That is precisely because they ARE – Gmail scans every single email sent, gleaning information for “advertisers”.  That’s right, every single email you send through Gmail is read.  Apparently it is read by a computer, but the point is, your emails are not private.  Password, smassword.

Next there is the issue of censored searches.  Unless you specifically use keywords that will hook you up with alternative news sources, Google searches are now directing you towards the most politically correct answers. 

Gone are the days when you can simply type in, for example, 9/11, and find information that is provided based on ratings – now you actually need to already have the source that you want the information from to get a clear picture…for example, “Infowars 9/11. 

Some websites, like Infowars, are no longer coming up in Google searches unless you include them in your search terms. At the end of 2010, Google blacklisted Infowars and Prison Planet from it’s search aggregates, despite the fact that those sites get more hits than many mainstream media sites that show up front and center.

Finally, let’s talk about Google’s new “privacy policy.”   As it turns out, that policy isn’t keeping very much private at all. 

As of March 1, in an effort to its ads to the tastes of individual consumers, Google will integrate information from all of it’s services, including the search engine itself, Youtube and the aforementioned Gmail. 

Google refers to this as a “more intuitive Google experience.”  Unfortunately for users who prefer more privacy, there is no option to “opt out” of this information gathering and sharing.


Not to be outdone, Yahoo also “analyzes” the content of your emails. And according to their guide for compliance with law enforcement officers, Yahoo hangs on to your information for far longer than the privacy policy states they will.  Here are some alarming statistics, directly from Yahoo, wrapped up in a menu-priced 17 PAGE GUIDE:

~  All IP addresses that you use to log into your Yahoo mail account are retained for one year, giving an excellent way to track your movements, find your workplace, or see who you visit.
~  Instant messages and chats are logged for a minimum of 60 days.
~  The information provided to law enforcement agencies is not a matter of civic duty – the major communications companies all have “price lists”. The US Marshall Service admitted to having PRICE LISTS FOR DATA INTERCEPTION SERVICES from Yahoo, Verizon, Cox Communications,  and ComCast.


Over half a billion people worldwide voluntarily provide information about their personal lives, their friends, their families, their religious beliefs and their political agendas on Facebook.

Nowhere can be found a bigger fountain of personal information.  As a way to increase the information Facebook learns about it’s users, when a person is logged into Facebook on a computer, a cookie tracks all other sites visited on that same computer.  If you are logged into Facebook, the door to your home computer usage is wide open.

Facebook uses facial recognition technology to “tag” people in photographs.  Facebook is also like the evil town gossips, making assumptions about you based on who your friends are.  Ads that are targeted to your “friends” can also make it onto your own page.

Facebook figures you’ll have the same interests.

Facebook uses GPS technology to post the location where photographs have been taken and/or uploaded, making even your physical location public information.


Purchased in May of 2011 by MICROSOFT, Skype is the world’s #1 provider of VoIP services.  Two years before making the purchase Microsoft began efforts to patent technology to intercept VoIP calls.

The information can be used in many ways.  Criminally speaking, credit card numbers, social security numbers or other personally identifying information can be easily procured.  Information and keywords gathered from phone calls can be used in legal proceedings. 

Data-mining techniques can be used to gear advertisments and marketing based on conversations that you think are private.

Even more alarming is the fact that once Skype is downloaded on your computer, it is possible to turn on your webcam from a remote location. 

That’s right.  You might be sitting there reading the latest blog from your favorite afghan-knitting granny and somebody, somewhere, might be looking back at you.

You owe it to yourself and your personal security to learn as much as you can about how your computer, your home and even your thoughts, if you are careless enough to type them in somewhere, can be accessed.


Finally, know that fusion centers really do exist and they are the final clearinghouse for all of this information.  Sometimes loosely cloaked as “marketing research” facilities, they have systems for corralling the information gleaned from your computer usage that will provide a very complete profile of you. 

That profile may contain information about your relationships, your sexual orientation and fantasies, your political ideologies, your religious beliefs, your family, your friends, your bank accounts, where your money comes from, photo recognition profiles….absolutely everything there is to know about you.

The fusion centers are the real threat – if personal freedoms continue to erode at the current rate, you may one day be deemed an enemy of the state based on your Facebook status updates.  Information compiled there could, potentially, make you a target of the government.

Personally, I have no intention of ceasing my usage of the internet.  The internet and the continuous access to knowledge make this a great time to be alive.  I will continue to do my research, I’ll continue to share my opinions and information.  But I will do these things knowing that nothing is private anymore.

Big Brother is not just watching – he’s making a scrapbook.

USA Governmental Terrorism Not Limited To Adults

First it was the TSA searching your underpants at the airport, claiming to be protecting you from “terrorists.”

Now a local elementary school in North Carolina is searching the homemade lunches of schoolchildren with the goal of forcing children to ditch their nutritious, home-made meals and learn to consume pasteurized, homogenized USDA-approved cow’s milk and chemically-laced processed meats that promote cancer.

This is what happened, as reported in theCarolina Journal:

“A preschooler at West Hoke Elementary School ate three chicken nuggets for lunch Jan. 30 because a state employee told her the lunch her mother packed was not nutritious.”

The paper goes on to report:

“The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the agent who was inspecting all lunch boxes in her More at Four classroom that day.”

Hold on a sec there, partner. There are AGENTS inspecting lunch boxes of schoolchildren?

You thought the TSA was bad? Get ready for school lunch pat-downs!

That’s the first highly disturbing part of this entire story. See, the corrupt state is trying to take over everything, including the American family. Telling little Johnny that his mom packed an “inferior” lunch is one way of teaching children that they should worship the state instead of their parents.

It’s entirely consistent with the actions of pathetic child health sellouts such as California Governor Jerry Brown who recently signed a law giving 12-year-old children the right to “consent” to being injected with Gardasil vaccines as long as they don’t tell their parents.

Parents are useless. The state is God.

Write that down, boys and girls, as you’ll be tested on it later. And please don’t tell all the TSA perverts that new jobs are opening up involvingsearching the sacks of elementary schoolchildren, or they’ll quit the TSA in droves and line up to be part of anything that might involve touching little children.

In North Carolina, the homemade school lunches that don’t meet USDA guidelines are then “enhanced” with what the state calls the “missing items” (the processed meat laced with chemicals, or the dead, pasteurized milk, produced with Bovine Growth Hormones). Parents are then billed(fined) for the additional cost of these “missing” items.

In other words, the state is forcing parents to buy cancer-causing processed foods and feed them to their children!

“What got me so mad,” said the girl’s mother, as reported in, “…is, number one, don’t tell my kid I’m not packing her lunch box properly. I pack her lunchbox according to what she eats. It always consists of a fruit. It never consists of a vegetable. She eats vegetables at home because I have to watch her because she doesn’t really care for vegetables.”

But the other truly disturbing part about all this is that the “official” USDA-approved nutritional requirements for children are nothing more than a total sellout to the corrupt dairy industry!

Here, drink pasteurized, homogenized,hormone-produced milk which will probably make the girls hit puberty at age 9 while causing the little boys to grow armpit hair before they’re old enough to tie their own shoelaces.

Ditch your healthy food and eat this homogenized crap!

So the girl brought to school a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, some potato chips and some apple juice. Admittedly, it’s not the lunch of champions or anything, but guess what the school forced her to eat instead? Chicken nuggets.

Yeah, those are the deep-fried “parts is parts” chicken-like objects made from mechanically-separated chicken (yuck).

They probably contain MSG or some other taste-enhancing chemical, too, and they’re no doubt fried in genetically-modified soy oil or corn oil. That must be very conducive to a learning environment, huh?

And this elementary school’s current home page features a giant photo of children holding up signs that read, “HELP FIGHT HEART DISEASE.”

Seriously? Do they honestly think feeding chicken nuggets to preschoolers is an intelligent way to fight heart disease? (Dear God, what has public education come to in America?)

Since when was the state any kind of authority on nutrition anyway?

All this takes a lot of gall for a government that routinely formulates the most nutritionally-depletedschool lunch programsandprison food imaginable. If the government was in charge of our nutrition, we’d all be eating genetically modified poison laced with pharmaceuticals and birth control. It’s almost like Bill Gates’ heavenly recipe for “feeding the world,” huh?

Eat this and die. That’s what the government’s pushing these days.

After all, the sooner you all die, the more money the government will save on social security, Medicare and other entitlements it can’t afford to pay for much longer.

I bet that’s one social science lesson these kids aren’t taught in school. You’re more valuable to the state dead than alive.

The government likes to act like it’s all “official” or something, and that it’s somehow looking out for the welfare of these children. It was the Division of Child Development and Early Educationat the Department of Health and Human Services which enforced these loony requirements.

According to all those “officials” (i.e. government nutritional morons who eat junk food all day while sitting at their desks and injecting themselves with insulin all day), a “healthy” meal for a child should consist of:

• One serving of meat, such as sausages laced with cancer-causing sodium nitrite, which is linked to a 300% increase in brain tumors in children and a 67% increase in pancreatic cancer.

• One serving of pasteurized, homogenized, heart-disease inducing cow’s milk which also causes allergies, autoimmune disorders and digestive problems.

• One serving of grain, which could be met by serving some nutritionally-depleted white bread.

• Two servings of fruit or vegetables, including those gross canned peaches floating in corn syrup.

Yep! That’s the USDA’s pathetic definition of nutrition, folks. A bunch of disease-inducing processed dead food that’s sanctioned by the very same state that wants a dead population. So it all makes sense, you see.

God forbid the mom that packs a lunch for her child that looks something like this:

• A fresh sprout salad (state officials have never seen living sprouts and would probably condemn them as being too “alive” to be safely consumed. Irradiate it!).

• A fresh avocado sprinkled with paprika and nutritional yeast (huh? Is that a fruit? A vegetable? What does it count for? This would confuse school officials for weeks who would have to convene a committee to study the issue…)

• An egg sandwich made from free-range chicken eggs, served up on gluten-free whole grain English muffins (what? No meat! You are murdering your child, you careless parents! Call Child Protective Services!)

• A bottle of fresh juice made that morning from oranges, carrots, lemons and a hint of ginger. (LIVING food? That’s the food of terrorists! Nothing alive is allowed in the schools! Forbidden!)

You see, school officials wouldn’t recognize a nutritious lunch of it slapped them across the face. There’s nothing quite like being cold-cocked with an egg-and-tomato sprout sandwich.

Instead, these pathetic state “health department” enforcers apparently ended their own nutritional education with health class in high school, which gives you even less education than the innate knowledge of a typical mule, because at least the mule knows to eat the living grass and flowers growing right out of the soil. Yep, I said it: These state officials know less than an ass about nutrition.

Coming next: Government agents inspecting children’s meals IN YOUR HOME

But where is this school lunch inspection behavior really heading?

Well, since the state loves your children so much, and since it is now the full responsibility of the state to care for your children, vaccinate them, feed them and program their brains with false U.S. history, the next step is government food agents conducting door-to-door surprise inspections at your house!

There’s a knock on the door. You foolishly answer it, only to find three trendy government agents with fake smiles plastered on their faces, flashing their badges. “We’re from the health department, and we’re here to inspect your refrigerator. You have children here, correct?”

The next thing you know, they discovered a sprouting machine on your countertop and your stash of raw milk hidden away in the back of the fridge.

“Looks like we got ourselves a food terrorist here!” one of the agents mutters to the other. “Call in CPS! And the SWAT team!”

A few minutes later, you’re face down in the dirt in your own front yard, where the local city council fined you for trying to grow tomatoes, by the way.

Health department thugs are grinding a knee into your lower back, and one of them leans in to whisper into your ear:

“You think those are YOUR children? WE are their parents now, get it? And we control what they eat and what medicine they get from now on.”

One of them cracks the back of your head with the butt of his government-issue rifle, slapping your nose into the soil as a sharp reminder.

“And don’t make us come back, or we’ll have to take your little Johnny away and make him disappear into our world, where there are at least a dozen sexually frustrated agents who are looking for fresh meat, so to speak. Because meat is a USDA requirement, get it?”

That’s what could soon be coming your way in America — a nation that’s beginning to resemble North Korea in its total abandonment of human rights and human decency.

When schools denounce the role of parents in feeding their own children — and when doctors denounce the role of parents in making health care decisions for their own children — we aren’t too far away from the total state-run takeover of parenting.

Worship the state; surrender your children to total sterilization

You think it’s a coincidence that the health department wants your children to eat GMO food that’s chemically contaminated with brain-damaging excitotoxins?

Of course not: The state wants to, at minimum, make your children sterile. If all the toxic GMOs and food chemicals happen to give them cancer or some other chronic disease in the mean time, that’s just a bonus dividend paid out by the pharmaceutical industry for all its profiteering on human suffering.

And hey, if your kid actually dies from all the poisonous food, the deadly vaccines, or the radiation fallout from all the deteriorating nuclear power plants across the country, that’s just a bonus for Bill Gates who factors it into his depopulation equation: P = P – 1 , where P = Population. Your kid is the “minus one” part of that calculation.

Of course, that’s good for the planet, right? So you should be happy to sacrifice your children to the state, as long as their early death brings down CO2 emissions.

Just how much carbon dioxide does a pair of tiny lungs generate with its last dying breath, anyway? It gives a whole new meaning to the “depart” segment of the phrase “Health DEPARTment.”

That’s the point of the Health Department, you see: To make you depart from this world by destroying your health first.

The point is that as long as you follow the USDA, follow the Health Department, and submit to the new “food police” agents conducting random sack searches (and no, I don’t mean the TSA again) then you’ll get along just fine with the status quo.

The government worshippers. The trendy statists who think it takes a village of government agents to raise a child.

It’s not enough to raise Amish raw milk farmers at gunpoint, you see, or for the government to destroy $50,000 worth of raw wholesome milk that was about to fed to hungry infants and babies.

In order to completely crush all remaining shards of liberty and drive the stake of total tyranny through the American family, the government has to punish nutritional non-conformity.

Any parent who attempts to pack a school lunch that does not contain processed cancer-causing meat and pasteurized dead cow’s milk shall be punished, blamed and publicly humiliated.

Down with nutrition! Conformity is safety! Obedience is freedom! Chant that mantra of oppression fifty times until you start believe it, and then stop homeschooling your children and send them off to be de-educated in public schools, where both their minds and their bodies are poisoned on a daily basis so that they can grow up to become reporters for CNN.

Bow down before your new God, the all-powerful, all-seeing, all-spying Government. We are your parents now, little children.

Worship us and you will be rewarded with coupons and trinkets. We may even give you an iPhone if you take enough vaccines without telling your parents. Shhhh!

Let your voice be heard

The school that allowed this “food police” activity to take place is the West Hoke Elementary School in Raeford, North Carolina.

The school’s slogan is: West Hoke Elementary School commits to promoting education by providing an environment conducive to learning.

Really? I guess nutrition doesn’t play any role in that learning “environment.” Forcing little children to eat processed chicken nuggets and pasteurized, homogenized, dead cow’s milk that’s filled with pus (yes, that’s true) isn’t much of a commitment to learning, is it now?

The principal of this school is Jackie Samuels. He is not the bad guy here and may not have even been aware this was going on. It was the state officials who conducted this food police activity at the school, not the school administrators.
The phone number of the school is:910-875-2584.

If you do contact this school or its principal Jackie Samuels, please be polite. Don’t go all crazy on ‘em. Remember: Teaching is a very tough job, and most teachers are dedicated professionals who genuinely want to help.

My beef is with the state officials who conducted these sack lunch searches, not the elementary school staff. Just let principal Samuels know that you don’t approve of them allowing government food police use their school as a “food police checkpoint” that only indoctrinates little children into learning obedience to the growing police state.

After all, elementary school is a place of learning. But WHAT are the kids learning if the school teaches them it’s okay for government agents to deny them their own lunches and force them to eat processed toxic food instead?

The message is clear: Your parents are bad! Government is God! Worship the state, or you will be punished.

Traitor Hussein Obama Out To Destroy America

Is Obama a hypocrite or merely insouciant? Or is he an idiot?

According to news reports Obama’s White House meeting on Valentine’s day with China’s Vice President, Xi Jinping, provided an opportunity for Obama to raise “a sensitive human rights issue with the Chinese leader-in-waiting.”

The brave and forthright Obama didn’t let etiquette or decorum get in his way.

Afterwards, Obama declared that Washington would “continue to emphasize what we believe is the importance of realizing the aspirations and rights of all people.”


Washington is so concerned with human rights that it drops bombs on schools, hospitals, weddings and funerals, all in order to uphold the human rights of Muslim people.

You see, bombing liberates Muslim women from having to wear the burka and from male domination.

One hundred thousand, or one million, dead Iraqis, four million displaced Iraqis, a country with destroyed infrastructure, and entire cities, such as Fallujah, bombed and burnt with white phosphorus into cinders is the proper way to show concern for human rights.

Ditto for Afghanistan. And Libya.

In Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia Washington’s drones bring human rights to the people.

Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and secret CIA prison sites are other places to which Washington brings human rights. Obama, who has the power to murder American citizens without due process of law, is too powerless to close Guantanamo Prison.

Instead of following Washington’s human rights lead, the evil Chinese invest in other countries, buy things from them, and sell them goods.

Has any foreign dignitary ever raised “a sensitive human rights issue” with Obama or his predecessor? How is the world so deranged that Washington can murder innocents for years on end and still profess to be the world’s defender of human rights?

How many people has China bombed, droned, and sanctioned into non-existence in the 21st century?

Will Syria and Iran be the next victims of Washington’s concern for human rights?

Nothing better illustrates the total unreality of life in the West than the fact that the entire Western world did not break out in riotous laughter over Obama’s expression of his human rights concern over China’s behavior.

Washington’s concern with human rights does not extend as far as airport security where little girls and grandmothers are sexually groped.

Antiwar activists have their homes invaded, their personal possessions carried off, and a grand jury is summoned to frame them up on some terrorist charge.

US soldier Bradley Manning is held for two years in violation of the US Constitution while the human rights government concocts fabricated charges to punish him for revealing a US war crime.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is harassed endlessly with the goal of bringing him into the human rights clutches of Washington. Critics of Washington’s inhumane policies are monitored and spied upon.

Washington is the worst violator of human rights in our era, and Washington has only begun.

Who will liberate Americans from Washington’s clutches?
Think about that for a minute. Washington is now in the second decade of murdering Muslim men, women, and children in six countries.

Disarming Of USA By Kenya Born Muslim Hussein Obama

Barack Obama wants to disarm America.  There simply is no other way to explain his reckless behavior.  It came out that the Obama administration is considering plans to unilaterally slash the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal by up to 80 percent.

From a military standpoint, this is utter insanity.  Early in his presidency, Barack Obamasigned a treaty with Russia that restricts both nations to a maximum of 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear warheads. 

But now Obama wants to cut the size of the U.S. arsenal down to as low as 300, without requiring the Russians to do anything.  In addition, we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese, and we have no idea how many deployed nuclear warheads they have. 

For all we know, it could be in the thousands.  Unfortunately, very few people are speaking up about this.  Most Americans just assume that we have such a massive nuclear arsenal that nobody would ever dare to mess with us.  Well, that was true back in the 1980s, but that is not true today. 

If Barack Obama does unilaterally slash the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal by 80 percent, that would make another world war much more likely.  If we are sitting there with far fewer nukes than Russia and China have, they will not fear us nearly as much.

But we should have all seen this coming.  Back in 2009, Obama made a famous speech in Prague in which he pledged to work toward a world without nuclear weapons.

Well, it looks like he plans to start by getting rid of almost all of America’s nuclear weapons.

A few years ago, Obama demanded that the Pentagon conduct a “radical review” of the U.S. nuclear weapons program.  When the results came back, Obamarejected them as being “too timid”.

Obama is not just intent on trimming the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
The truth is that he wants to gut it.

Currently,the Pentagon is working on a new plan for the reduction of the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.  The following is from a USA Today article put out about this plan….

AP, citing “a former U.S. official and a congressional official,” says the administration is debating at least three options to bring the U.S. stockpile down to somewhere between 1,100 and 300. The current treaty allows 1,550.

So what are the “three options” going to be?

The three options are detailed in an article in the Houston Chronicle….

No final decision has been made, but the administration is considering at least three options for lower total numbers of deployed strategic nuclear weapons cutting to: 1,000 to 1,100; 700 to 800, and 300 to 400, according to a former government official and a congressional staffer. Both spoke on condition of anonymity in order to reveal internal administration deliberations.

At this point, the plan has not been presented to Obama yet.

But needless to say, he will probably want the biggest cuts possible.

Unfortunately, the truth is that the U.S. nuclear arsenal has already been cut far too much.  There is no way that a few hundred nuclear warheads can be an effective deterrent in the 21st century.

Retired Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney shared his opinion of this planwith the Washington Free Beacon….

“No sane military leader would condone 300 to 400 warheads for an effective nuclear deterrent strategy”

But Barack Obama is not a “sane military leader”.  What Barack Obama wants to do is to unilaterally disarm America.

According to CNN, the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal reached a peak of “more than 31,255 in 1967″.

The Obama administration has already taken us down to a very small fraction of that.  If the Obama administration takes us down to a level of 300 deployed strategic nuclear warheads, we would basically be committing strategic suicide.

To get an idea of just how dramatically the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal has declined over the years, just check out this chart.

Basically, thanks to Obama we could end up with less than 1 percent of the nuclear warheads that we had during the peak of the Cold War.
Less than one percent.

And if we gut our strategic nuclear arsenal, that will make it much, much more likely that someone will use nuclear weapons against us in the future.

The reason why no other nation has openly attacked the United States since World War II is because they all knew that if anyone attacked us we would nuke them into oblivion.

But if the U.S. only has 300 warheads, and if an enemy thinks that they can hit most of them in a first strike, the entire calculation changes.

Today, the world is becoming increasingly unstable.  North Korea has nuclear weapons, Iran is developing a nuclear program and even Venezuela is rumored to be interested in acquiring nukes.  It would be a really bad idea to unilaterally disarm right now.

But the most significant threats are Russia and China.  If World War III were to erupt, it is quite possible that the U.S. could find itself facing a very formidable Russian/Chinese alliance.

The only advantage that the U.S. would have over such an alliance would be in strategic weaponry.  The combined conventional forces of Russia and China would vastly outnumber our own.

So why are we disarming?

And there is another factor to consider as well.  As I have written about previously, the START Treaty did absolutely nothing to address the overwhelming superiority that Russia has in tactical nuclear weapons….

The treaty completely ignores the very serious imbalance that exists between the U.S. and Russia when is comes to tactical nuclear weapons.  Today it is estimated that the Russians have approximately 10,000 tactical nuclear warheads while the U.S. only has a few hundred.  These tactical nuclear warheads can be delivered by cruise missiles, long-range artillery or aircraft.  The treaty does nothing to change those numbers.  This would put the United States at a very serious strategic disadvantage.

Why in the world would we allow ourselves to be put in such an unfair position?

Are we fools?

As Russia’s economic fortunes have turned around, they have been busy spending money on updating and modernizing their strategic nuclear forces.
The United States has not been doing the same thing.

While the U.S. is busy chasing goat herders around in Afghanistan, Russia is busy preparing for the next war.

During his speech to formally launch his campaign to reclaim the Russian presidency, Vladimir Putin made the following statement….

“In the next five to 10 years we must take our armed forces to a qualitatively new level. Of course, this will require big spending …. but we must do this if we want to defend the dignity of our country”

Russia is preparing for World War III and so is China.  They both recognize that someday there is a very good chance that they will have to take on the United States.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration is gutting the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal and is acting like there is no chance that there will ever be a world war ever again.

Sadly, most Americans have bought into the propaganda that the threat of world war is permanently gone and that we don’t even need nukes anymore.
Most people out there simply will not understand why I am making such a big fuss in this article.

But someday all of this will likely become very clear.

Someday America will likely bitterly regret the decisions that the Obama administration is now making.

When Russian and Chinese missiles are raining down on American cities it will be too late to do something about it then.

Please wake up America.

Corrupt USA Government Railroads Another Patriot

Before featuring in National Geographic’s new show Doomsday Prepper, David Sarti visited his doctor complaining of chest pains, only to have the doctor later commit him to a psychiatric ward and alert authorities, before Sarti was declared “mentally defective” and put on an FBI list that strips him of his second amendment rights.

Sarti, a resident of Lebanon Texas, visited a cardiologist named Andre C. Olivier, M.D., who examined Sarti and then told him tests would be run. After hearing nothing for two months, Sarti called to make another appointment.

The doctor informed Sarti there was nothing wrong with his heart but that he could have tubes inserted to help alleviate his breathing difficulties.

When Sarti refused to have tubes inserted, Olivier insinuated that he could be suicidal and insisted on Sarti going to the emergency room.

Sarti refused and left the hospital but within 15 minutes of arriving home, police arrived at his house and forcibly took him to the emergency room.

Sarti was subsequently placed in hospital for observation for a period of four days before an attorney and then a judge arrived to hear his story.

Sarti repeatedly emphasized to doctors that he was not suicidal and would not commit suicide because of his Christian beliefs.

When Sarti later attempted to purchase a Glock 21 firearm, he was flagged up by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System and refused the sale.

When he appealed, he received a letter from the FBI stating that he had been declared “mentally defective” and was not allowed to own firearms.

Sarti says he attempted to get legal defense from the NRA, who initially indicated that they would be able to help but ended up refusing to take his case.

Gun Owners of America are now talking with Sarti about setting up a legal defense fund for gun owners with similar problems.

In a more recent update Sarti said that the guns he already owned had not yet been seized but that he had moved them from his property to another location.

Sarti now says that there is little point in him continuing his lifestyle as a “prepper” because he cannot own firearms and he is a sitting duck with “nothing left to live for”.

He has appealed to the Governor and a State Senator who he campaigned for in an attempt to get help but was ignored.

After explaining what happened to him, Sarti received thousands of messages of support from the ‘prepper’ community and has agreed to carry on presenting his You Tube show which covers all aspects of the survivalist movement, after first hinting that he would sell all his animals and look to leave the country.

Sarti’s story again underscores how people who have chosen to live ‘prepper’ lifestyles are being targeted by authorities.

The FBI warned that people who oppose taxes and regulations, as well as those who believe the U.S. should have never left the gold standard, are potential domestic terrorists.

The federal agency has also sent out flyers as part of its Communities Against Terrorism program that list bulk buying of storable food as a potential indication of terrorist activity.