Facist Youtube Illegally Handles Dissent With Deletion

Alex woke up angry this morning at the fact that You Tube had arbitrarily deleted thousands of subscribers to the Alex Jones Channel.

Not only that, reports are pouring in of subscribers to the channel not receiving the videos.

Yet more evidence of the fact that Google-owned You Tube is gradually silencing voices of dissent on its platform.

The standard response of “well just don’t use You Tube then” isn’t very helpful when you consider the fact that You Tube is where the world watches video content.

They have made everyone dependent on them and are now pulling the plug on dissident content that doesn’t toe the establishment line, while promoting corporate crud and mindless videos about make-up techniques, cats playing pianos and people falling over.

Depopulation Should Include Mass Murderer Bill Gates


When Bill Gates, founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which provides vaccines to third world countries, promoted decreasing the population of the world and favoring the ‘death panel’, it shocked many people.

Bill Gates believes that “instead of spending millions of dollars on old people who just have months to live, the money should be spent elsewhere, where it can actually benefit people”.

Two years ago, the Microsoft billionaire, unveiled his mission to reduce the world’s population through vaccines during a TEDx presentation.

As Gates rambles on about CO2 emissions, and its effects on climate change, he injects without pause, that in order to get CO2 to zero, “probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero.”

He then goes on to describe how the first number, P (for People) might be reduced.

“The world today has 6.8 billion people”, said Gates, “that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

In January 2010, at the Davos World Economic Forum, Gates announced his foundation would give $10 billion over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world.

Fools Bunglers & Idiots (FBI) Declare War On Law Abiding Americans

The FBI is getting in on the law enforcement app game on the heels of a controversial data mining project by the Homeland Security Department.

Documents recently posted on line seek industry input to develop the equivalent of a web alert system.

“I think what you are looking at is a Google news feed specifically targeted for law enforcement, focusing on their specific needs,” Frank Ciluffo, who leads George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute, told Fox News.

“We’re on our mobile phones and we’re on our various iPhones, BlackBerrys and the like that transmits data that locates individuals.”

Filth Black Racists Cost Patriot Pat Buchanan His Job


My days as a political analyst at MSNBC have come to an end.

After 10 enjoyable years, I am departing, after an incessant clamor from the left that to permit me continued access to the microphones of MSNBC would be an outrage against decency, and dangerous.

The calls for my firing began almost immediately with the Oct. 18 publication of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?”

A group called Color of Change, whose mission statement says that it “exists to strengthen Black America’s political voice,” claimed that my book espouses a “white supremacist ideology.”

Color of Change took particular umbrage at the title of Chapter 4, “The End of White America.”

Media Matters parroted the party line: He has blasphemed!

A Human Rights Campaign that bills itself as America’s leading voice for lesbians, bisexuals, gays and transgendered people said that Buchanan’s “extremist ideas are incredibly harmful to millions of LBGT people around the world.”