Friday, February 24, 2012

Traitor Hussein Obama Knows Vote Fix Is In

While the numbers of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. have leveled off during the Obama presidency, suspicion is rising about whether the president is pandering to Latinos to attract their votes in November.

“Despite the claims of the Obama administration that they’ve been tough on illegal immigration and that the border is more secure than ever,” Center for Immigration Studies director of policy studies Jessica Vaughan told The Daily Caller, “the fact is that they have gone to extreme measures and have really stretched the authority of the executive branch to try to slow down immigration law enforcement in the interior to a slow trickle.”

Vaughan pointed to a recent Immigration and Customs Enforcement settlement that awarded $350,000 to 11 illegal immigrants in New Haven, Conn.

The plaintiffs had accused ICE agents of violating constitutional protections against racial profiling after they were arrested in the “sanctuary city” in 2007.

The settlement also terminated the plaintiffs’ deportation proceedings.
“The administration has chosen not to defend the actions of its agency in doing its routine job,” Vaughan explained. “They have put pressure on all of the agents all over the country to avoid arresting illegal aliens.”

Muslim Halfbreed Hussein Obama Spits On Americans Again


Illegal immigrants who fled Alabama after it began cracking down on illegal immigration in its borders are now safely returning to the state as the Obama administration’s backdoor amnesty policies have undermined the ability of Alabama to enforce its own state laws as well as existing federal immigration laws.

No one knows how many people initially left the state, so it is impossible to determine exactly how many illegal immigrants have returned.

However, in an interview of 18 Hispanic immigrants interviewed by The Associated Press in the Birmingham area, six had friends or relatives return to the state.

Conservatives who supported the state’s crackdown argues that making it impossible to legally find work and housing would force people to “self-deport” and move out of the state.

Of course, no one expected the Obama administration to stop all pending deportations and punish states trying to uphold existing federal immigration laws with multi-million dollar lawsuits.

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is set to hear arguments from the Obama administration, immigrant groups and others over Alabama’s law.

911 Responders At Concern Risk Cause Inside Job Nuclear

The director of Mount Sinai Medical Center’s World Trade Center health program is preparing to publish a study that will show elevated risks of cancer among 9/11 rescue and recovery workers.

A leading authority on the illnesses suffered by Ground Zero responders, Dr. Philip Landrigan says that an analysis of 20,000 medical case histories revealed an incidence of cancer that is 14% higher tha expected for a population of the same profile.

The most common elevations were in prostate, thyroid and blood cancers.

Landrigan’s findings add to the evidence that the toll from service on or around The Pile, bad as that toll has been, will significantly worsen with time.

Research by fire department doctors previously had found a 19% higher cancer rate among FDNY members who had been at Ground Zero than among those who had not.

No Justice For Now Brain Dead American


A Florida police officer who tasered a 20-year-old US woman until she was brain dead has been cleared of wrongdoing.

The Florida Highway Police says the officer was trying to prevent the woman from fleeing and cleared the officer of any wrongdoing.

Danielle Maudsley went into a coma in September after Florida Highway Police Trooper Daniel Cole tasered her in the back as she tried to escape from the police while handcuffed.

Maudsley had been detained and taken to a Florida Highway Patrol Station after being suspected of involvement in a hit-and-run accident.

Footage from a police cruiser dashboard camera shows the officer firing Taser electric waves into her back. She then spun, fell backwards, and smacked her head on the ground.

Doctors have expressed concern that the victim will most likely never wake up from the coma.

The Florida Highway Police says the officer was trying to prevent the woman from fleeing and cleared the officer of any wrongdoing.

“Tell me that’s not excessive force. I’m not saying she was an angel, but she didn’t deserve that,” Cheryl Maudsley, the victim’s mother, said, adding that she was suing the police.

“He couldn’t reach out and grab her? He was an arm’s length away. My daughter is dead because of this. She won’t come back,” she stated.

Experts have excoriated the policeman for his inappropriate use of the Taser, noting that he could have easily apprehended her.

The UK-based human rights group Amnesty International has called on US police and law enforcement agencies to limit the use of Tasers, which have killed at least 500 people in the United States since 2001.

“At least 500 people in the US have died since 2001 after being shocked with Tasers, either during their arrest or while in jail,” Amnesty International said in a report.

Researchers, citing documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, have pointed to dozens of cases of police use of Tasers that suggest deviations from government guidelines.