Saturday, March 17, 2012

Brainless American Sheep Embrace Traitorous Kony Propaganda

It turns out that the propagandist behind the KONY 2012 campaign is a raving lunatic. But what about the propagandists behind the OSAMA 2001 campaign that brainwashed the planet into thinking that Osama Bin Laden did the 9/11 attacks? Aren’t they also raving lunatics like Jason Russell of the KONY 2012 fraud?

Anyone who has seriously studied the psychopathy of the state terrorists and totalitarian propagandists who did the 9/11 attacks knows that they are total nutcases.

They are capable of orchestrating mass murder on a large scale, all the while presenting a straight face to the public as if they’re not completely insane war criminals.

In the immediate hours and days after the September 11 attacks, propagandist chiefs Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz appeared on television to put out their twisted narrative that Islamic extremists were responsible for the tragedy, without providing any evidence for their assertions.

Wolfowitz shared a brief glimpse into his totalitarian vision for America in his interview with PBS’s  Margaret Warner. He talked about fighting a “broad and sustained campaign,” and said the American people were willing to suffer huge casualties because there was a “different mood” in the country after 9/11.

Speaking on the attacks he said: “It’s massive. And I think that focuses the mind. It makes you think in a different way. It makes you think anew.” This type of language is rooted not in objective observations of reality, but motivated by radical political beliefs about what kind of society America should be.

Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Perle, Netanyahu, Barak, and the other criminal 9/11 conspirators were all determined to transform American and Western public thinking after the 9/11 attacks in a radical and subversive way.

And the Western media, which is dominated by state intelligence agencies, was fully on board with the secret totalitarian agenda to brainwash the global public and turn 9/11 into a global myth to awaken the god of war.

Ghosts of the CIA like Osama Bin Laden and Joseph Kony are used to scare Americans into supporting, and, in fact, demanding U.S. military action in resource-rich countries such as Afghanistan and Uganda.

CIA trained terrorists are compared with Adolf Hitler, but the propaganda falls apart because there is no sense of proportion and balance. Comparing Hitler with Kony and Bin Laden is like comparing the Sun of Evil in the 20th century with its distant shadows in the 21st century.

Hitler was a Flood of Death during storm season, while Bin Laden was a light drizzle of blood on a sunny day. And he didn’t even commit the crime. Shadow elements in the CIA and Mossad did.

Cartoon characters like Osama and Kony are easy to hate because the media and government say they are the bad guys, but there are bigger monsters to slay in this world.

Most experts believe that Osama Bin Laden died shortly after the false flag September 11 attacks in the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan due to a kidney disease, not on May 1st, 2011, in Pakistan.

News of Bin Laden’s original death in late 2001/early 2002 was suppressed in the global media because it would’ve dampened public enthusiasm for the war in Afghanistan and for the war on terror more generally.

President Obama has politically exploited the lie that he killed Bin Laden at almost every political opportunity. Steve Watson reported in an article called, “Obama Plays Bin Laden Card In Re-election Effort”:

“The Obama 2012 campaign has launched it’s reelection campaign by drawing on the mythical version of events played out last year following the supposed assassination of Osama Bin Laden.

The campaign will release a 17 minute video later this week, narrated by hollywood actor Tom Hanks, as an opening salvo in the struggle to win a second term for the president.”

Barack Obama is clearly a mad politician and a psychological basket case. But Obama is only the tip of the psycho iceberg. Top Western and Israeli political leaders are psychopathic.

Harrison Koehli wrote about the personality traits of psychopaths in his article on March 17, 2010, called, “Ponerology 101: The Psychopath’s Mask of Sanity,” saying:

“Until the publication of Hervey Cleckley’s landmark book The Mask of Sanity in 1941 (along with its subsequent editions), there wasn’t much agreement on what exactly psychopathy is. The term had come to describe individuals whose emotional life and social behavior were abnormal, but whose intellectual capacities were undisturbed.

In contrast to psychotics whose grip on reality is clearly disturbed, as in paranoid schizophrenia, psychopaths are completely sane. They have a firm grip on reality, can carry on a conversation, and often appear more normal than normal.

But at the same time, while talking to you about the weather or the economy, they may be deciding the best way to con you out of your life savings or perhaps get you to a secluded location where they can rape or murder you.

However, while psychopaths may be intellectually aware that their actions grossly violate the limits of normal human behavior, they lack the emotional engagement with others that normally acts as an inhibitor of anti-social acts, like calculated aggression, intentional intimidation, pathological lying and emotional manipulation.

In the course of his (or her, as probably one in four psychopaths is female) development, the psychopath’s inability to feel and thus identify with the emotions of others blocks the development of a “moral sense” that allows normal individuals to care for others and treat them like thinking and feeling beings.

Psychopaths just don’t care. To them people are things, objects. When they’re no longer useful they can be discarded or destroyed without a second thought.”

It is not just lying politicians like Obama, Netanyahu, Clinton, Blair, and Bush who exhibit the traits of psychopathy. Most Goldman Sachs and Wall Street executives are probably psychopaths, too.

And even top news executives and anchors at Fox News, CNN, and other state propaganda stations are probably suffering from some type of clinical brain damage. Does anyone think that 24/7 blowhards like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly are sane? These people are totally nuts.

After 9/11, America and Western civilization took a nosedive into crazy land. Power possessed demons like Netanyahu, Barak, Wolfowitz, Cheney, and Obama took over the planet. As Silver Surfer pointed out in this tweet, “this planet is a fucking #madHouse!!”

Crazy demons like Obama and Netanyahu who answer to their master the Great Satan desire war, chaos, and total destruction. They are agents of the power of Darkness and Hell.

American scholar and theologian Roland Mushat Frye wrote in his book, “God, Man, And Satan”:

“So, on his journey towards the seduction of man, Satan courts Chaos, Milton’s brilliant personification of anarchy and disorder, with the promise that he will “reduce” the created cosmos “to her original darkness and your sway” (II, 983-84).

His power cannot enable him ever to destroy creation, but his perversions of it are precisely in the direction of atomism and anarchy, the reduction of harmony, the extension of discord and decay.”

If the Great Satan has his way, Iran will be bombed back to the stone age. Both Obama and Netanyahu are preparing to woo their mind controlled flocks to accept an illegal war against Iran based on false pretenses. Philip Weiss wrote on March 15 that, “Israel will attack Iran– and Obama gave tacit approval.”

The only counter-attack that global civil society has against a catastrophic world war is public education and massive de-brainwashing of America, Israel, and the West. The truth is a powerful force for good. And it is the most powerful force that we have in the global battle against endless war and totalitarianism.

During the middle of World War II, the White Rose group wrote six leaflets to wake up the people of Germany and inspire them to overthrow their totalitarian state. What they wrote applies to us today.

In their first leaflet, they wrote:

“If everyone waits until the other man makes a start, the messengers of avenging Nemesis will come steadily closer; then even the last victim will have been cast senselessly into the maw of the insatiable demon.

Therefore every individual, conscious of his responsibility as a member of Christian and Western civilization, must defend himself as best he can at this late hour, he must work against the scourges of mankind, against fascism and any similar system of totalitarianism.”

We must take these words to heart as America and the West descend further into madness and apocalyptic chaos.

All it takes to expose and expel the demons of war out of America, Israel, and the West is excavating the truth and making their crimes against humanity public. They are only safe in the shadows.

FEMA Camps Nazi Death Camps American Style

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Barack Obama, 2008

Homeland Security has announced the creation of a new FEMA corps to tap volunteers for disaster/emergency responses. The program is a partnership between FEMA and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), itself managed under the Homeland Security umbrella.

The Department of Homeland Security plans to start with 1,600 volunteers dispatched across the country and specially trained to provide “critical disaster services” during an emergency response.

Volunteers are not FEMA employees, but will wear branded uniform clothing and will be directed by FEMA. DHS boasts that the entry level positions will prepare these trainees for careers in the ever-bloating disaster response bureaucracy.

While this new unit may seem innocuous and even advisable in the context of helping after natural disasters (despite the abuses seen after Hurricane Katrina), the FEMA Corps takes on much more ominous overtones when one considers their likely roles under Homeland Security’s plans and provisions for responding to other disasters– states of emergency over man-made disasters (false flags for instance), economic instability, pandemics, social unrest or the like.

Further, greater federal control through FEMA has proved disastrously inefficient in its own right. The failures of the feds at Hurricane Katrina are legendary. Less known are other cases, such as the fires that spread across Bastrop, Texas last year. FEMA was caught preventing numerous local bonafide fire fighters and emergency responders from giving aid or helping locals.

Yet, the Washington Times praises the Bastrop fires response as an example of what federally-directed volunteer corps can do:

The germ of the idea formed last year after FEMA’s deputy director Richard Serino observed AmeriCorps volunteers performing disaster relief work following a tornado in Joplin, Mo., and a fire in Bastrop, Tex.

Candidate Barack Obama promised a civilian security force powerful enough to address national security objectives, but what objectives does that mean? Is it just cleaning up after tornadoes, as in Joplin, MO or something more? What agenda would these minion-volunteers, like the newly created FEMA corps, serve?

Homeland Security, and its subsidiary divisions like FEMA, have been busy preparing for the collapse of civilization. And their plans, cloaked in secrecy and positively-weighted administrative buzzwords, aims to contain, not empower the American people.

Not only have Homeland Security and its propaganda allies been blanketing law enforcement with memos demonizing a wide range of ordinary Americans as potential terrorists, it has been building a larger “emergency” response to the larger growing resistance to total system-wide government corruption.

In fact, the government’s emergency response plans– known under terms like Continuity of Government (COG) and other terms, are so secret, not even Congress can read the pertinent details.

KBR, among others, has been exposed in their efforts to bid out contractors for live FEMA camps for use in emergencies. KBR received a contract in 2006 to build these camps.

Since Rex 84, the government has secretly been preparing under countless plans for detainment facilities to be used in emergencies including a mass influx of immigrants and/or the suspension of lawful Constitutional government.

Homeland Security cooperates with thousands of organizations to spy on and monitor Americans– online, in public, at airports and transport hubs, at protests– basically everywhere. Meanwhile, Homeland Security has ignored the will of the people to reign in abusive agencies like the TSA.

In short, Homeland Security has lost sight of any reasonable mission to protect America under its original mandate.

What then, will disaster response volunteers under FEMA corps serve? No doubt, it will tap thousands of dedicating, well-meaning activist volunteers. But history shows their effort will be futile because the federal top-down approach is focused on funding and greater power.

Enforcing the dangerous designs of FEMA and Homeland Security could make for brownshirts in the service of tyranny long before it could make heroic rescuers out of this new corps.

The truth is FEMA corps– mandated with supporting the public and engaging them with information– is more likely to parrot the fed’s message ushering displaced victims into the FEMA centers and tracking systems than they are to enable a sensible local response.

Lying Traitor George Clooney Should Be Turned Over To African Terrorists


We are dealing with the era of war in the name of peace. The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine is a deliberate call for preemptive war. This issue has been carefully crafted by the very individuals most responsible for the war in Libya, which helped put al Qaeda in power there and resulted in a black genocide and ethnic cleansing. It is time we woke up to the agenda hiding behind certain specifically-arranged “humanitarian” crises.

Actor George Clooney lends his famous face to spotlight the crisis in Sudan, adding another front to the “humanitarian” calls for intervention in Africa, coinciding with the KONY 2012 social experiment to deploy troops to Uganda.

Clooney just finished staging an arrest at the Sudanese embassy.

Looking behind this tear-jerking propaganda, it is extremely significant that Clooney’s running mate in this Sudanese mission is John Prendergast, not only a “human rights activist” as head of the NGO Enough Project, but a former member of the National Security Council and State Department.

He was second to now UN Ambassador Susan Rice, a bedfellow of current National Security Council ‘humanitarian’ Samantha Power and a member of the International Crisis Group, headed by George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

That pedigree should raise eyebrows from any thinking person. If you think the very SAME groups waging wars across the globe will be the saviors of these victims, think again.

Sudanese in the Nuba Mountains are supposedly holding signs in English demanding justice at the International Criminal Court and asking the West for a “No Fly Zone.”

These signs are clearly manufactured, as they mirror buzz words chosen because they are part of an agenda long crafted by the likes of George Soros, Samantha Power and others.

Fellow traveler John Prendergast makes specific mention of the “Responsibility to Protect,” this doctrine is again branded to feed a call for another preemptive war in the name of humanity.

We have previously exposed this agenda, patently brought to life by these very groups.

See Secrets KONY 2012 is Desperate to Hide for further information on the agenda behind these causes, sympathetic in appearance but designed to open up AFRICOM military action while legitimizing the ICC world government organ.

Without a doubt, these Sudanese are victims, and what is happening there and many places is horrible. But it strains the imagination to see pro-establishment warmongers actually solving the crisis.

On the other hand, these players will certainly offer a solution– one that fits their agenda for greater power and more intervention overseas. That is textbook Hegelian dialectic, the problem-reaction-solution model.

The existence of a real problem does not make the solution they provide acceptable.