Monday, March 19, 2012

Dictator Pushes Takeover Without Official Opposition

“A mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits (of government) is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands.” - James Madison, Federalist Paper #48, 1788.

President Obama signed an Executive Order for “National Defense” that claims executive authority to seize all US resources and persons, including during peacetime, for self-declared “national defense.”


The EO claims power to place any American into military or “allocated” labor use.

“American exceptionalism” is the belief that a 200+ year-old parchment in the National Archives has magical powers to somehow guarantee limited government from 1% tyranny, despite the specific and clear warnings of the US Founders, despite world history of repeated oligarchic/1% tyranny claiming to be for the “good of the people,” and despite US history’s descent into vicious psychopathy (short version here: US war history in 2 minutes) hidden in plain view with paper-thin corporate media propaganda.

I don’t know about you, but both my grandfathers were in the US military during the gruesome WW1. My father, father-in-law, and only uncle were in a brutal WW2. Both wars were functions of colonialism; a 1%’s vicious and rapacious greed.

Now, we’re all looking at WW3 that includes official policy and dark rhetoric for US first-strike use of nuclear weapons on Iran.

This, after multiple current lie-started and treaty-violating wars surrounding Iran, increased US military preparations, multiple war-propagandizing US political “leaders,” and recent history of US overthrowing Iran’s democracy and 35 consecutive years of US war on Iran that killed over one million Iranians.

I don’t know about you, but I’m teaching the obvious crimes in war and money, destruction of Constitutional Rights rights and asking students (of all ages) what they see to do about these clear facts.

The first answer people see is to help people get over their “American exceptionalism” to recognize these massive crimes, and demand arrests of the obvious criminal “leadership.”

I don’t know about you, but I refuse to be silent in face of lying and criminal government policies that annually murder millions, harm billions, and loot trillions of the 99%’s dollars.

What will you do?

US government can Constitutionally assassinate Americans upon the non-reviewable dictate of the leader, as these criminals take psychopathic steps to murder Americans who expose their crimes.

Here is NDAA 2012 where US government claims it can Constitutionally disappear Americans and then appoint a tribunal with death sentence authority (unless unlimited detention is their choice).

This is fascist terrorism to silence Americans from communicating that the 1% are War Criminals to arrest NOW.

US government can Constitutionally waterboard anyone they declare a “terrorist” as a 1% terror-tactic to silence Americans.

Again, what will you do?

Traitor Scum Assembled (TSA) Terrorizes Boy With Broken Leg

Airports have another fantastic reason to evict TSA screeners and replace them with private security as a 3-year-old boy with a broken leg in a wheelchair was terrorized by a Traitor Scum Assembled (TSA) thug.

The incident occurred at O’Hare Airport in Chicago and was recorded by the father of the 3-year-old boy.

A TSA agent begins conducting a pat down of the boy who is sitting in a wheelchair with a broken leg. The boy is confused at being fondled by a stranger and reaches out to his parents for support but they cannot touch him because they have been ordered to stay clear by the TSA agent.

The boy begins trembling and is clearly upset as the creepy TSA moron begins swabbing his cast, his hands and his wheelchair for explosives.

The TSA goon then asks the father to lift up the boy’s shirt so he can swab his body too, offering to conduct this part of the harassment in a private room.

While the boy is being harassed, an old woman with a cane is also told to stand back and wait for an advanced pat down, with the TSA again proving themselves inept at being able to single out the most likely terrorists – nearly crippled senior citizens and toddlers with broken legs in wheelchairs.

Only after several minutes of this pointless, degrading and shameful treatment is the boy allowed to pass security.

This represents yet another sterling reason why airports should take advantage of a new law that allows them to opt-out of using TSA agents to provide security screening.

Harassing three-year-old children in wheelchairs on their way to Disneyland is not a proficient method of preventing terrorism. If the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom, as we were told after 9/11, then this proves that the terrorists have won.

Meanwhile, yet more TSA agents have been caught engaged in criminal acts.

41-year-old TSA agent Michael Scott Wilson has been indicted on federal porn charges after allegedly being found in possession of a video “depicting a prepubescent female engaged in masturbation and anal sex with an adult male”.

These are the same people groping your children.

A TSA screener who worked at Newark International was also busted while still wearing her TSA uniform at a major heroin den near an elementary school.

22-year-old Samirah Saunders is accused of helping to distribute 1,400 packets of heroin.

England Olympic Watchers Enter TSA Cancer Lottery

Radiation firing body scanners are set to be used by events organizers during the Olympics in London as part of a huge security lockdown from 27 July to 12 August.

Event Magazine reports that promotion company Live Nation, organizer of the London Live series of events scheduled during the games, will work in conjunction with police to conduct airport-style security checks that could take up to an hour.

The body scanners, along with bag scanners will be temporarily installed at the entrances to Hyde Park and Victoria Park, where organizers plan to broadcast the games on big screens and hold several music concerts.

John Probyn, chief operating officer for Live Nation, said: “The security services will search the sites a couple of days before we open and then we have to vouch for every person, item and every piece of equipment from that point on, so it effectively becomes a sealed site.”

“Every person entering the site, including crew and artists, will either pass through a scanner or be searched,” he said.

“I’m hoping our staff will have more smiles on their faces than the staff you get greeted by at some airports,” Probyn added.

The use of body scanners at large public events is now on the increase, following the precedent set by the Department of Homeland Security employing the machines at The Super Bowl in February.

As we have tirelessly recounted, studies conducted by prestigious universities and health authorities have warned that the machines could lead to serious health problems.

In addition, recent exposure has revealed that the scanners are fundamentally flawed, backing up assertions by some security experts that the machines do not offer an increased level of security.

Last week the London Guardian reported that the Olympics will see a lockdown representing the biggest mobilization of military and security forces since the second world war.

13,500 troops will be deployed in London, more than are currently at war in Afghanistan. The total number of security officials is said to be anywhere in the region of between 24,000 and 49,000 in total.
From the Guardian report:

During the Games an aircraft carrier will dock on the Thames. Surface-to-air missile systems will scan the skies. Unmanned drones, thankfully without lethal missiles, will loiter above the gleaming stadiums and opening and closing ceremonies. RAF Typhoon Eurofighters will fly from RAF Northolt.

A thousand armed US diplomatic and FBI agents and 55 dog teams will patrol an Olympic zone partitioned off from the wider city by an 11-mile, £80m, 5,000-volt electric fence.

Beyond these security spectaculars, more stealthy changes are underway. New, punitive and potentially invasive laws such as the London Olympic Games Act 2006 are in force. These legitimise the use of force, potentially by private security companies, to proscribe Occupy-style protests.

They also allow Olympic security personnel to deal forcibly with the display of any commercial material that is deemed to challenge the complete management of London as a “clean city” to be branded for the global TV audience wholly by prime corporate sponsors (including McDonald’s, Visa and Dow Chemical).

London is also being wired up with a new range of scanners, biometric ID cards, number-plate and facial-recognition CCTV systems, disease tracking systems, new police control centres and checkpoints.

These will intensify the sense of lockdown in a city which is already a byword across the world for remarkably intensive surveillance.

True Americans Target Of Corrupt Regime

The Obama administration’s move to update an executive order to allow the government to seize control of virtually every aspect of society in both emergency and non-emergency situations lays the groundwork for the future nationalization of the U.S. economy.


Entitled “National Defense Resources Preparedness,” Obama signed the executive order. Such timing is normally a deliberate ploy to prevent a controversial issue from being picked up by the news cycle. Recall that Obama signed the highly contentious National Defense Authorization Act on New Year’s Eve.

Under section 201, the EO allows the federal government to take control of;

Sec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

Although the executive order is an update to the almost identical EO 12919, which was signed by Bill Clinton in 1994, in Section 201(b) of the new version, the words “under both emergency and non-emergency conditions” have been added.

In other words, the federal government is claiming the power to seize totalitarian control of the whole economy – nationalization über alles.

The administration’s move to allow an executive order designed for a time of national crisis to be applied in non-emergency peace time represents a significant ratcheting up on the richter scale of martial law, a measurement Infowars has been upgrading since the late 1990′s.

Just because Obama’s predecessor’s like Clinton and Bush did not use this executive order doesn’t mean it’s not anathema to the U.S. constitution.

Obama may not use it either, but just as the President has promised to not use the ‘kidnapping’ provisions of the NDAA which his administration pushed for, that does nothing to prevent a future administration from indefinitely detaining American citizens under the law.

America is already under a state of martial law, but many have been conditioned to accept it because the degree to which it has been implemented has not yet reached its maximum. You don’t have to witness a Waco siege every day with tanks and the government killing citizens to be under a state of martial law.

- We already have the executive branch claiming the power to have Americans abducted and imprisoned without trial under the NDAA.

- We already have the executive branch claiming the power to assassinate American citizens with no legal process whatsoever.

- We already have checkpoints manned by TSA goons as well as other militarized forces spreading across America.

- We already have the Pentagon claiming it doesn’t have to even recognize Congress to launch wars and that the only superior body it has to answer to is the United Nations.

- We already have the Department of Defense characterizing protest as “low level terrorism” while the federal government is busy labeling banal activities and behavior as indicative of terrorism.

Those five things alone illustrate beyond any conceivable doubt that America is already under a degree of martial law.

Martial law is primarily used as a tool of the elite to rob the people blind. Once the next big crisis hits, the degree to which America is under martial law will increase once again.

The fact that this new executive order greases the skids for the government to nationalize the entire economy, placing the means of production of virtually everything under the control of the state, is yet another sign that the feds are preparing for America’s descent into Greece-style austerity hell.

Just as Greece and many countries in Europe have been overthrown by unelected technocrats who have seized control of their economies, America is being primed for the same final act of complete usurpation.

Lawmen Know They Are Above Law In Facist Police State

Two NBC journalists were handcuffed and threatened by Chicago police after attempting to report on the murder of a 6-year-old girl yesterday, NBC Chicago reports.

Another NBC journalist was also detained by police outside Mt. Sinai Hospital, where the girl had been taken following a fatal shooting during city wide violence over the weekend.

Police were called to the hospital shortly after reporters arrived on the scene. The journalists said they has already moved away from a public sidewalk and across the street at the request of the police.

One police officer was then caught on camera telling other members of the media “Your First Amendment right can be terminated if you’re creating a scene or whatever. Your First Amendment right has got limitations.”

When the reporters asked for clarification on how they were creating a scene, the officer replied, “Your presence is creating a scene.”

“This is what we do for a living!” one reporter replied, before another added“You’ve got a lawsuit coming.”

“I don’t care about no damn lawsuit!” the officer fired back. “F*ck a lawsuit. Just ’cause you sue doesn’t mean you’re going to win.”

Photographer Donte Williams and WGN Reporter Dan Ponce were then handcuffed and briefly detained by the officer, who threatened them with trespassing charges.

The police say they acted following claims that the reporters had attempted to enter a secure area of the hospital.

The two reporters, along with NBC Chicago Reporter Christian Farr deny that they attempted to go inside the hospital. The two were released without charge.
Later appearing on WLS Radio, Dan Ponce said “This is in front of a hospital. The reporters and photographers were standing on the median sidewalk when the officer started yelling at us, telling us to get further away. We decided to take a stand.”

The Chicago Police Department released the following statement on the incident:

The Chicago Police Department did not charge anyone with criminal trespass in connection with yesterday’s incident, which involved the unfortunate and senseless loss of a young child.

We removed two individuals from the hospital at the request of hospital security guards, who asserted that the individuals had tried to go past them into secure and private areas of the hospital. The security guards declined to press charges and the individuals were released.

Our members were attempting to protect and respect both the grieving family members of the child, and the memory of the child herself during a very stressful time for all parties involved.

As always, we will carefully review the allegations in the event further action is warranted.

Dictator Spells Out USA Takeover Plans

Obama issued another unconstitutional executive order. The National Defense Resources Preparedness EO allows the government to confiscate your property without due process under the direction of Janet Napolitano and the Department of Homeland Security.

photoObama Il Duce: Executive order permits government and corporations to steal private property.

Obama’s EO allows the president to “take actions necessary to ensure the availability of adequate resources and production capability, including services and critical technology, for national defense requirements” in the event of a “potential threat to the security of the United States.”

Obama’s latest EO demonstrates once again that the executive will continue to violate the Constitution, in particular Article I, Section 1, which states: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

Any enactment of law by the executive is made in Excess of Jurisdiction and is by definition treason.

Fascist Executive Orders

Obama’s latest EO underscores and reemphasizes Bill Clinton’s EO 12919, signed on June 6, 1994.

Clinton’s 12919 followed a number of earlier executive orders allowing the government to steal your property – and also force you to be a slave laborer – during a vaguely declared “national emergency.”

The government has given itself the authority to seize all communication (from television stations to CB radios), confiscate all food resources (including farms and farm equipment), take control of all transportation (including your family car), and compel you at gunpoint “under federal supervision” to work as a slave.

National Defense Resources Preparedness is a textbook example of fascism. It allows the government to steal privately owned property and publicly owned infrastructure and hand it over to its preferred corporate partners under the guise of a national emergency: “(b)  provide for the modification or expansion of privately owned facilities, including the modification or improvement of production processes, when taking actions under sections 301, 302, or 303 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2091, 2092, 2093; and  (c)  sell or otherwise transfer equipment owned by the Federal Government and installed under section 303(e) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2093(e), to the owners of such plants, factories, or other industrial facilities.”

Fascist philosopher and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini used his principle of a “nation in arms” to steal private property from citizens.

Obama’s latest EO declares the right to do the same. Mussolini devised fascist corporatism – the philosophy of the “corporative state” – and Obama under the direction of his Goldman Sachs and transnational corporate and bankster controllers has updated this corporate-statist doctrine, including the ability to steal privately earned and held wealth under the pretense of a national emergency.

Martial Law

Previous administrations installed the groundwork for Obama’s authoritarian move. Under Reagan, executive agencies were granted sweeping emergency powers to not only grab infrastructure and private property, but also round up citizens and put them in concentration camps and force them into slave labor brigades.

During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”

Obama’s NDAA was established to provide the legal mechanism for tasking the military to round up activists and others targeted by the government. Prior to the NDAA, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and other related programs, the government devised Rex 84 and in particular Operation Garden Plot, an operational plan to use the Army, USAF, Navy, and Marine Corp. in direct support of civil disturbance control operations. It has since added numerous elements under the rubric of Continuity of Government, the overall war on terror, civil disturbance and emergency response.

With the scantily covered National Emergency Centers Establishment Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the recent NDAA sailing through Congress, and a raft of lesser legislation and unconstitutional directives, we are beginning to see the contours of the police state.

Corporate Media Ignores National Defense Resources Preparedness

A Google News search produces virtually no mention of Obama’s latest assault on the Constitution from the establishment media. The alternative media began covering the latest Obama executive order from the moment it was posted on the White House website but the corporate media remains silent.

Obama’s EO should be headline news. It is a direct assault on the Constitution and further empowers an executive branch dictatorship and allows it to exploit a “full spectrum of emergencies” and permits it to confiscate private property and turn citizens into slaves.

As John Adams noted, the very basis of the Constitution rests on the concept of private property. “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God,” Adams wrote, “anarchy and tyranny commence. Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist.”

Devil Rides Out Stills With Christopher Lee

It's Hammer time, so, go on and put me in the party mix!! The stark reality is that I've been getting pretty Hammered around here lately, in more ways than one. Left behind when we started this venture because they very rarely rock, most Hammer films still usually have something unique or interesting to offer in the music department, enough so, that we've unearthed more than a couple of titles recently! Tonight's feature is a perfect example of what I'm talking about, and the music is provided by Hammer musical main man, James Bernard, called "The Devil Rides Out" and damn well deserves to be reviewed and seen again, but it doesn't even come close to rockin! Nonetheless, there are some interesting audio bits you'll enjoy!! So, as of this very second, I am totally burned out on X-Mas, Ants, Leaky Showers, and more, so, let's just skip the B.S. and get on with the show!!

If you don't like Christopher Lee, you're not going to dig very many Hammer films, but for me, he's simply the best!!!

Here's the mighty trio! Leon Greene as Rex Van Ryn, the UK version of Rod Taylor in what looks to be his own horror outing of the period, Patrick Mower as Simon Aron, a young man with devilish social problems, and Chris Lee as Duc de Richleau, a man who has to have big balls to carry around a handle like that!

So bottom line is, Duc and Rex are supposed to be watching out for Simon, but he's not listening because the devil has him under his spell, so for his own good, Chris throws a vicious haymaker!!

Wow, then it gets all crazy, and they call up this black demon!!

The rather large demonic tarantula came across as pretty cool too!

Satan's throwing a wild shindig, and all the pagan freaks show up for the big bacchanal! Did you ever check out one of these outings? These people have no sense of individuality, and they are completely swept up in the power of their host, Beelzebub!! Non-conformists need not apply!!

And there he is, ole Lucifer his self, just sitting up there on high somewhere, a chillin' and watching his followers get their freak on, but then there's trouble in the lost paradise!

Rex breaks up the party and starts kicking some pagan ass! From the title, there's a good chance you might be led to believe this was a biker flick, but that's not even close, despite the fact that there was this cool fight scene!!!

I don't get it, you'd think the Devil's disciples would enjoy a good Bar-B-Que!!! Oh, that's right, "Some Like It Hot" was a completely different movie!!