Monday, April 9, 2012

George Zimmerman Faces Lee Oswald Type Justice


The special prosecutor investigating the shooting death of unarmed Florida teenager Trayvon Martin has ruled out using a grand jury in the case, meaning her office alone will decide whether to charge shooter George Zimmerman with a crime.

The case has captured national attention, largely because of race. Martin, 17, was black and Zimmerman, 28, who has not been charged, is Hispanic.

Police in the town of Sanford declined to arrest Zimmerman after the shooting, saying they found no evidence to contradict his account that he acted in self-defense.

The state attorney previously investigating the shooting, Norm Wolfinger, had said the case would go to a grand jury on April 10.

That grand jury would have decided whether to charge Zimmerman but Wolfinger removed himself from the case on March 22 and was replaced by Angela Corey.

Old New Black Panthers Should Be Exterminated Like Vermin They Are

The establishment media is all over a story about members of a crackpot “National Socialist movement” from Detroit “occupying” Sanford, Florida, where Trayvon Martin was killed.

And yet they do not talk about violent racist threats by the New Black Panther Party (NBPP).

The NBPP group represents the lunatic fringe of American politics.

“We are not advocating any type of violence or attacks on anybody, but we are prepared for it,” Nazi Commander Jeff Schoep who are present to protect innocent White citizens from militant racist blacks told the Miami New Times.

The NBPP oxygen waste racist punk thugs, on the other hand, have called for bloodshed, violence against “crackers,” and the end of capitalism.

The NBPP has teamed up with “Million Hoodies for Trayvon Martin Coalition,” as the flyer taken from their website.

A crosshair on a photo of George Zimmerman – who has yet to be arrested and is in hiding fearing for his life – demonstrates the sort of vigilante justice the New Black Panthers have in mind: taking Zimmerman “dead or alive,” as the diatribe by NBPP Chief of Staff Michelle Williams makes clear.

The National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz, has called for a national “day of action” a day before a grand jury is scheduled to begin hearing the Trayvon Martin case.

“We have teamed up with over 300 organizations in a national and international coalition and are calling for a national strike…and a day of absence, where there is no work, no school, and no shopping in the cause of justice for Trayvon and the immediate arrest of Zimmerman and charging him with the appropriate charges,” Shabazz said.