They were the chaps who would do anything in order to keep their country safe. In short, they were America’s finest.
Oh, how times have changed.
It was billed in the press as an important meeting with over 30 South American leaders present to discuss the globalists’ plans for the coming decade.
This latest White House holiday junket also counted in its imperial entourage Hillary Clinton and favored Romney running mate Marco Rubio, along with other high-ranking member’s of the President’s court, and a security detail which included scores of Secret Service agents, along with a few dozen more aids and logistics personnel.
As President Obama and his royal entourage touched down in Cartagena, Colombia for the Summit of the Americas on Friday afternoon, it seemed that his elite security detail had other, more pressing matters on their minds – wasting no time getting busy sampling some of the South America’s local delicacies.
Unable to control their manic hormonal urges, some of the President’s elite security “Advance Team” thought it prudent to coordinate a special Charlie Sheen-style recreational reconisance operation – on US taxpayers time.
According to initial reports last night, a dozen agents – including a number of married ones, have been sent packing we are told, this time for “soliciting prostitution”, a practice considered inappropriate for security staff charged with guarding America’s heads of state.

It’s still unclear whether or not Obama’s body guards made their trip to one of Cartegna’s infamous ‘red light’ districts, or if the Secret Service had instead organized their staff party at the same venue as US diplomats, and it’s not known who actually paid for their Colombian hookers.
To add insult to injury, Ronald Kessler the veteran journalist who orginally broke the story, one of the President’s Secret Service agents refused to pay for services rendered, which led the sex worker to complain to local police, which led to the media leak – very bad form indeed.
It may also be prudent to inquire also, that if hookers were involved, could the agents also have partaken in Columbia’s other bountiful national delicacy, or to put it figuratively, were they also ”hitting the slopes in April”?
Apparently, prostitution is tolerated by the Colombian authorities, not least because of the steady service they provide to the city’s numerous white-collar administrators.
And it’s no secret that the nation’s other multi-billion dollar-a-year export and illegal trafficking narcotics industry, cociane, is also available on most street conrners and under the table in some pharmacies.
Regardless of the details, one could summarize that this latest scandal indicates a culture of excess, and a void of ethics which looks to have infected Washington’s most elite corps of guardians – a breach in behavioral standards that could ulimately compromise national security.
According to initial reports from the Washington Post:
“Edwin Donovan, an agency spokesman, said that an unspecified number of agents have been recalled and replaced with others, stressing that Obama’s security has not been compromised because of the change.”
The Democratic Party faithful will also be painfully aware how this unprecedented international lapse in ethics and judgement will forever be a black mark on the administration, and no doubt will fuel endless jokes at the expense of the White House – one of the worst possible foreign incidents to happen in an election year.
Most importantly however, readers should realize how dangerous and how compromised the nation’s security is when the President’s own elite body guards are mixing with, and exchanging money for services with sex workers in a poor third world country.
What’s even worse than all this, however, is that it may not even shock most Americans who have grown to accept such ill behavior overseas from their security professionals
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