With the Twin Towers under attack, and the tops of them hidden by the black smoke, the New York Empire State Building is again the tallest building in the City!
Further, notice that the smoke is shaped in the form of a demon's face.
This is highly significant for several reasons:
* During the filming of the actual fire pouring forth from the Twin Towers, several cameras caught what seemed to be a demon face in the smoke.
While most people were discounting this face as purely coincidental, two former Satanists called me within a couple of hours after those pictures were released, to tell me that those faces looked exactly like demons they had seen during a ritual when demons physically manifest themselves in this dimension.
Cisco Wheeler further said that some of the most powerful demons in Satan's kingdom were known as Fire Demons; it was to these demons that the ancient peoples -- including Jews -- sacrificed their children to Molech.
The appearance of these demon faces might be proof of what I have been saying -- that the attack was a Fire Ritual Sacrifice carried out by the Illuminati.
This attack on the Twin Towers also was a perfect Satanic Fire Sacrifice. Many pictures abounded on 9/11 that showed a demon's face in the fire high up on the Twin Towers. This was not a coincidental phenomenon.
* The fact that this card shows a demon face in the smoke of the Twin Towers in 1995 demonstrates that the Illuminati planned to make the Twin Towers a Fire Sacrifice that would call up Fire Demons. This card predicted it, and the demons manifested themselves through the fire. Just as Waco and Oklahoma City were fire sacrifices, so was the attack on the Twin Towers.
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